Sins of our fathers... ¡Go on son!


El hijo de Liam Gallagher ha sido fotografiado con la ya clásica ofensa que su padre le da a probar a los paparazzi cada vez que tratan de sacarle fotografias. Esto paso la semana pasada cuando padre e hijo salían de Nobu Restaurant en Londres.

"Although Liam encourages Gene to Roll With It, telling him to Go Let it Out, Some Might Say Gene shouldn’t Look Back In Anger! "



Con la nueva de que "The Special One" José Mourinho, podría regresar a manejar a los blues. En lo que ha sido muy claro es que tendría que ser en sus términos, los cuales son los siguientes:

- That he would have complete control of all football matters including transfers, first team and the academy.

- Academy director Frank Arnesen — who Mourinho believes to be his enemy — is sacked.

- That he could bring back all of his backroom staff with him.

Mourinho ha estado negociando con el Inter de Milan, y supuestamente se anunciaría su llegada esta semana, pero José ha estado negociando con el Chelsea toda la semana pasada.

Por cierto, Abramovich le envió un Ferrari valuado en 2 millones de libras, solo si regresa al club.

Carta de John Terry a los fans


Esta es la carta que escribe JT a los fans, esto está en la página oficial del club.

Sat, 24th May 2008
John Terry has written an open letter to Chelsea fans following the Champions League Final.

The Chelsea captain wrote:

'To all the Chelsea fans, all my team-mates, the manager and staff at the club.

I am so sorry for missing the penalty and denying you the fans, my team-mates, family and friends the chance to become European champions.

Many people have told me I don't need to say that but I feel I need to, that's just me. I have relived that moment every minute since it happened. I have only slept a few hours and wake up every time hoping it's all been a bad dream.

I have had some amazing support from fans, current and ex-players, family and friends and I need to thank everyone for that. But I am a big man and I take responsibility for us not winning.

I am and ALWAYS will be Chelsea through and through. I will give my all on and off the pitch to win this trophy as a player and one day as a manager. And I am sure we will win it.

That night in Moscow will haunt me forever and I feel I have let everybody down and this hurts me more than anything. I am not ashamed about crying. This is a trophy I have tried so hard year after year to win and it was just an uncontrollable reaction, I wear my heart on my sleeve, everybody knows that.

The road to Rome starts here, we have to try and turn this experience to our advantage. I am very proud of how far we have come this season with everything that has gone on.

Thank you for all your support for the team this season.'

and that is all i have to say

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